Dissociation, Detachment, and Disconnection


Exploring Meditation and the Path to Intuitive Healing

Meditation has long been associated with achieving mental clarity and emotional balance. However, a lesser-known aspect of meditation involves the practice of disassociation, detachment, and disconnection from the body and senses. In this video series, viewers are introduced to these concepts and their importance in the meditative process. With step-by-step instructions, the series teaches viewers how to utilize breath control and explore the deeper realms of consciousness. By disconnecting from the physical body and awakening the senses, practitioners can embark on a journey of self-discovery and become intuitive healers.

Understanding Dissociation, Detachment, and Disconnection 

The video series begins by explaining the three key terminologies of disassociation, detachment, and disconnection. Disassociation is identified as the initial step in the meditation process, while detachment serves as a tool to facilitate disconnection. Detachment allows individuals to detach themselves from various external stimuli and disassociate from their own physical bodies. These methods are crucial for meditative practitioners seeking to deepen their practice and explore new realms of consciousness.

Emphasizing Breath Control

Breath control plays a fundamental role in the meditation process. While it sustains our physical existence, breath is also viewed as the life force and energy that goes beyond mere oxygen supply. Remarkably, some individuals claim to subsist solely on breath, abstaining from traditional forms of sustenance. By becoming aware of the breath, practitioners can initiate the disassociation from their physical bodies, entering a state of detached consciousness.

Exploring the Layers of Consciousness 

Through the techniques taught in the video series, individuals can dive deeper into their consciousness and experience profound layers of existence. The practice helps individuals become attuned to their breath, which acts as a gateway to heightened awareness. As the video demonstrates, the process of disassociation from the body allows individuals to perceive the seven chakras and connect with their astral and subtle bodies. This heightened level of awareness becomes a catalyst for intuitive healing and self-discovery.

The Phase of Detachment 

As practitioners progress in their meditative journey, they enter a phase of detachment where time seemingly stops. In this state, practitioners experience a profound disconnection from the physical realm, enabling them to explore the dream state and take control of their dreams. By cultivating an acute awareness of the breath and the life force energy within, individuals gain the ability to navigate the realms of the subconscious, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and their intuitive healing capabilities.

Becoming an Intuitive Healer 

The video series encourages viewers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and becoming an intuitive healer. As individuals disconnect from their physical bodies and expand their consciousness, they tap into their inner wisdom and develop a heightened sense of intuition. Through gratitude and blessing for divine guidance, practitioners can not only heal themselves but also extend their healing abilities to others. By embracing these teachings and incorporating them into their daily lives, individuals can unlock a powerful connection between mind, body, and soul.


The video series on meditation and disassociation provides invaluable insights into the path of intuitive healing. By exploring breath control, disassociation from the physical body, and detachment from the material realm, practitioners can access profound levels of consciousness and develop their intuitive healing abilities. It is through this practice that individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and transformation. 

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